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About Our Product

My Product is a chewing candy, that the flavor only lasts a few seconds. It the color of pastel blue and is wrapped in a light yellow or light pink wrapper. It will have the siginature logo on it so you know its ours!


The Intructions to enjoy the delicious piece of candy, is to unwrap each piece and pop it into your mouth! Make sure that you don’t have any wrapper still on the candy before you eat it and make sure that you don’t eat too many at one time.


Some Unique Selling Proposistions about SecondMo is that they come in yellow, blue, and pink wrapping. They come in separate pieces and they also come in boxes of 35 pieces., and is organic!


The Price for one single piece is $0.50 to $0.75. the reason there is a wide carity is because it depends on the location that is being sold from. For example, from this online website, the price will be $0.50 but if you get it at Walmart, the price could vary from the websites price. The price for one box of 35 pieces is $2.00 to $3.20, again, the cheapest price you’ll find is RIGHT HERE on our website.

Go to bottom of OUR STORY for the answer.  

Riddle of the Week:

What grows when it eats, but dies when it drinks? 


Last Weeks Riddle!


 I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?


Anwser: A candle


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