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HI! My name is Molly Eastop and I'm the founder of SecondMo. I'm currently in grade 11 and I have to make a product and sell it to the world! I'm striving to give you best product possible and have fun and learn something new every day! 
My product is a candy, it is something you chew after a long day at school or work and something to savour when you need a moment to yourself. This company was founded in 2015 and WE want YOU to love US! 


The products name is SecondMo which is named after the taste and how it only lasts a glorious second! It comes in the flavour of blueberry and brings a smile to anyones face! The slogan of this amazing product is "The best taste that lasts a second!".



Distribution information-

Location of Stores-

20 Candy Lane, Gumdrop Ville

    - 289 Cotton Candy Rd. Gumdrop Ville

    - 500 Butterscotch Trail, Gumdrop City

    - 4560 Sweetness Lane, Gumdrop City

    - 1342 Sticky Finger Rd. Jujube County



Numbers for Services or Customer Support-

     -Direct Line to Store- 1-800-652-5442

     - Customer Service- 1-800-768-0099

     - Suggestion Box- 1-800-652-2234

     - Phone Ordering- 1-800-768-1231


Emails for any concern- or




Go to bottom of OUR STORY for the answer.  

Riddle of the Week:

What grows when it eats, but dies when it drinks? 


Last Weeks Riddle!


 I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?


Anwser: A candle


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